Money Donated To Charity.

We’ve donated a total of £4405.10 to The World Land Trust. Here is a break down of how.


Next Scene Films use the great phone network “Honest”. Mobile done right. A carbon negative, B corp business who care for the planet. We also plant trees via them each month as part of our deal.

Check them out at

The environment is very important to Matt, the owner of Next Scene Films. He has brought this importance in to Next Scene Films and with every aspect of the business, thought is put in to how it impacts the planet & how the planet can benefit from Next Scene Films.

Next Scene Films always evaluate the options and picks the best option for the planet that is available to them, always striving to make the company even more environmentally friendly.

We work closely with The World Land Trust to help us with our small environmental impact our business has. We also donate on top of this to them.

This page shows some of the ways that we help the planet as we work. If you have any questions about our environmental work or our business itself please contact us.

The Environment and Next Scene Films


Next Scene Films donate 10% of our yearly profits to The World Land Trust. Planting five trees for every booking received and we are also part of their carbon balanced program.

Find out more about them on their website.


Since August 2020 Next Scene Films have been banking with a great green bank called Triodos. Where your money is held is one of the biggest ways you can help the planet.

Find out more about Triodos at


In our office we will always look for the most energy efficient equipment. We recycle what we can & avoid using plastic where possible. We shop local & with small businesses.

We also search online with Ecosia who plants trees.


Your final personalised wooden USB made out of sustainable wood is sent out in fully environmentally friendly boxes. Our boxes are recyclable, the paper it's wrapped in is made of recycled material & is recyclable, our stickers are biodegradable, our tape is made of paper so is recyclable also and our inner protective wrap is up cycled, feel free to recycle it or re use.

On top of this you get a seed heart which you can rip up and put in the garden to grow flowers that will attract bees.

Tree Planting With World Land Trust for Bookings

Yearly Donations to World Land Trust